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                      News News CenterHome >> News Center

                      Weekly Market Review|Antimony Market Review #1012-1016#

                      Release date:2020/10/20 16:15:42


                      Demand improves, raw materials continue to be tight, and prices of antimony products continue to rise

                      Last week was the first week after the long holiday of November. The market price of antimony products continued to increase in the previous period, and the sales restriction sentiment of manufacturers continued to increase. According to market participants, the demand performance gradually continued to improve, according to some large manufacturers. Buyers are currently highly motivated to inquire prices, and their purchases continue to increase. In particular, the demand for antimony ingots has increased significantly. It is difficult to find low-priced antimony ingot resources, and manufacturers are reluctant to sell.

                      However, the tension in antimony ore raw materials still shows no signs of alleviation. With the recent weakness of precious metal prices, the advantage of gold-containing materials has weakened, and the ore pricing coefficient has begun to remain high. This has also become manufacturers eager to promote the price increase of antimony products. One of the driving forces.

                      As foreign prices remain high, it has also promoted the simultaneous development of exports and domestic demand. Especially for antimony ingots, the current resource shortage is more serious and there are fewer goods circulating in the market.

                      A senior market person predicts that taking 2# low bismuth antimony ingot as an example, the market price will continue to rise in the near future, and even a small amount of transactions have approached 42,000 yuan/ton. As long as this position can be stabilized, there will be a price space behind. Will be huge.

                      In terms of antimony ingots, the average price of SMM antimony as of the weekend: 2# low bismuth antimony ingot 40750 yuan/ton, 1# antimony ingot 41250 yuan/ton, 0# antimony ingot 42250 yuan/ton, 2# high bismuth antimony ingot average price 38750 yuan/ton Ton, the price has increased by RMB 1,000/ton compared to last week.

                      As for the market price of antimony oxide last Wednesday, as of the end of the week, the average price of SMM antimony trioxide was 99.5% at 37,000 yuan/ton and 99.8% at 38,500 yuan/ton, an increase of 1,000 yuan/ton compared to last week.

                      Judging from the current situation, it is expected that the antimony market price will continue to rise this week.

                      東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻

                      Address: Geoff Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan town level industrial zone

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