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                      The United States has identified 35 key minerals, including rare earths, as final but non-permanent lists

                      Release date:2018/6/12 16:37:26

                      On May 18, 2018, the U.S. department of the interior issued a final list of "key minerals," outlined below.

                      The United States relies heavily on imports of certain minerals essential to national security and economic prosperity.

                      U.S. dependence on foreign resources due to its economic and military strategic vulnerability, in unfavorable foreign government behavior, natural disasters and other key mineral supply may interfere with the event.

                      In accordance with administrative decree no. 13817 of 20 December 2017, the minister of the interior, in accordance with the definition in the executive order on 16 February 2018, submitted a draft list of 35 mineral products considered to be key.

                      After considering the 453 public comments received, the ministry of the interior considered that the methodology used to develop the inventory remained effective and identified 35 draft lists of key minerals.

                      -- the final list includes:

                      The list of key minerals is "final" but not permanent.

                      This list is updated dynamically on a regular basis to reflect current data on supply, demand and production concentration as well as current policy priorities.

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