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                    1. 午夜精品亚洲一区二区三区嫩草_中文字幕乱码亚洲精品一区_暴力调教一区二区三区_av天堂成人_来一水AV@lysav

                      Address: Dalang City, Dongguan town level village level industry
                      Negev Industrial Park
                      Phone: 4000-092-093
                      Fax: +86-769-83101592

                      News News CenterHome >> News Center

                      Antimony prices 180301

                      Release date:2018/3/1 15:17:26

                      Antimony trioxide.

                      1 China business network 1 antimony (+ 500) 52500-52500 (+ 500) yuan, antimony 2, 51000-51000 yuan, 2 no tax of 46000-46000 yuan, antimony oxide (+ 500) 48000-49000 (+ 500) yuan, the Yangtze river 2 # antimony increase by 1000 yuan, 51500-52500.

                      東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻

                      Address: Geoff Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan town level industrial zone

                      Telephone:4000-092-093         Fax:+86-769-83101592

                      Email:dg@jiefu.com        Website:http://scoutsweet.com

                      Free hot line:


                      Copyright COPYRIGHT of 2015 Dongguan Geoff flame retardant material Co. Ltd.

                      Technical support: Geruite

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