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                      Jiang Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China in Qiannan Prefecture, and Director of the SAFE, visited Dongfeng Antimony Industry for investigation and guidance

                      Release date:2022/5/18 11:26:27

                      On the afternoon of May 11, Jiang Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Central Sub-branch of Qiannan Prefecture of the People's Bank of China, Director of SAFE, Rong Yu, Chief of Foreign Exchange Management Section, Mo Yuanbiao, Vice President of Dushan County Sub-branch, and Foreign Exchange Management Section The staff and others, accompanied by Wang Fan, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Qiannan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China, Chen Ping, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the State Branch, Zhu Jinfu, Senior Commissioner, and Rong Peng, President of Dushan County Branch, visited our company for investigation and guidance. . He successively visited the company's Dahe smelter and antimony oxide plant, accompanied by leaders such as the company's general manager Chen Jingfang and executive deputy general manager Tan Shidun.

                      In the smelting plant and antimony oxide factory, they learned about the production situation of refined antimony processing and smelting and the production situation of antimony oxide in detail. While visiting and exchanging the production and operation situation of the company, general manager Chen Jingfang carried out smelting production, antimony oxide production process and safety and environmental protection work. Explain the introduction.

                      Afterwards, the group went to the conference room for a discussion, and had an in-depth discussion on how the bank supports the enterprise, understood the needs of the enterprise, and answered the questions raised by the enterprise in detail. President Jiang Qiang and President Chen Ping expressed that they would continue to provide more support to Dongfeng Antimony Industry and do a good job in service work. They hope that Dongfeng Antimony Industry can move to a new level in the future development and achieve the goal of listing at an early date. , to better contribute to local economic development.

                      東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻

                      Address: Geoff Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan town level industrial zone

                      Telephone:4000-092-093         Fax:+86-769-83101592

                      Email:dg@jiefu.com        Website:http://scoutsweet.com

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                      Copyright COPYRIGHT of 2015 Dongguan Geoff flame retardant material Co. Ltd.

                      Technical support: Geruite

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