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                    1. 午夜精品亚洲一区二区三区嫩草_中文字幕乱码亚洲精品一区_暴力调教一区二区三区_av天堂成人_来一水AV@lysav

                      Address: Dalang City, Dongguan town level village level industry
                      Negev Industrial Park
                      Phone: 4000-092-093
                      Fax: +86-769-83101592

                      News News CenterHome >> News Center

                      Dongguan Jiefu Ching Ming Festival Holiday Notice

                      Release date:2020/4/2 17:32:17

                      With reference to the national holiday arrangements and the actual situation of the company, our company's Qingming Festival holiday arrangements are as follows:

                      From April 4, 2020 to April 6, 2020, there will be a total of three days off. Official work will begin on April 7.

                      During the holiday, our company does not arrange receipt and delivery. All customers who require orders will be processed after work. The inconvenience caused to you is hoped for your understanding and support.

                      If there is a business need, you can contact our sales staff at any time.

                      東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻

                      Address: Geoff Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan town level industrial zone

                      Telephone:4000-092-093         Fax:+86-769-83101592

                      Email:dg@jiefu.com        Website:http://scoutsweet.com

                      Free hot line:


                      Copyright COPYRIGHT of 2015 Dongguan Geoff flame retardant material Co. Ltd.

                      Technical support: Geruite

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                                      1. 湟源县| 高陵县| 阳谷县| 那坡县| 公安县| 洛扎县| 万源市| 沁水县| 称多县| 陕西省| 香格里拉县| 古丈县| 息烽县| 合肥市| 台州市| 凌海市| 武城县| 石景山区| 普宁市| 阿拉尔市| 高青县| 稷山县| 宁远县| 汶上县| 琼结县| 镇巴县| 康定县| 绥芬河市| 安阳县| 巩义市| 噶尔县| 泗阳县| 谷城县| 若羌县| 吴江市| 盘锦市| 南汇区| 刚察县| 陇川县| 江华| 桦甸市|