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                      Dongguan Jeff 2016 year-end summary meeting success

                      Release date:2017/1/14 11:46:08

                      On January 12, 2017, Jiefu, dongguan 2016 year-end summary meeting, the meeting with the "2016 annual work summary, clear 2017 planning" as the theme, concluded in 2016's achievements and shortcomings in the course of work, and the comprehensive deployment on the 2017 dongguan Jiefu work, fully expressed the Jiefu who resolutely to complete sales and production goals throughout the year, 2017, will provide better products and services to our customers the ability and determination.

                      Meeting shall be presided over by the dongguan Jiefu general manager Mr Lv Fanghui, east peak mining leadership, dongguan Jiefu marketing team (area, south China area, north China, east China of VIP client department) and dongguan Jiefu department staff attended the meeting.
                      East peak mining general manager Mr GuYuSheng made a speech on guidance of the theme, the dongguan Jiefu's achievements in 2016 are analyzed, and hope to in 2017, dongguan Jiefu to the next level.

                      East peak mining finance director Mr Yong-qiang xu video review

                      East peak mining human resources director Mr Zhang Hongxian video review
                      Dongguan Jiefu Jiefu group in 2016 and the guidance of the east peak mining and led, has obtained the good result, strive to record in 2017.

                      Address: Geoff Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan town level industrial zone

                      Telephone:4000-092-093         Fax:+86-769-83101592

                      Email:dg@jiefu.com        Website:http://scoutsweet.com

                      Free hot line:


                      Copyright COPYRIGHT of 2015 Dongguan Geoff flame retardant material Co. Ltd.

                      Technical support: Geruite

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